Monday, March 23, 2015

Han Solo

Corellia was the capital planet of the Corellian System and also the birthplace of a well known smuggler and New Republic General. He achieved Galactic Fame as a member of the rebel alliance and then later the New Republic. 

Han Solo was orphaned at an early age and taken by the pirate Garris Shrike to serve on his crew. He was treated cruelly, and served Shrike for many years before escaping while he was in his teens. Han Solo then became a smuggler. He later entered the Imperial Academy at Carida. Soon after he was kicked out because he stopped an Imperial Officer from beating a Wookiee named Chewbacca. In gratitude the Wookiee swore a life debt to Solo, protecting him with his life. The two later became smugglers together, partners in crime. He then piloted the Millennium Falcon with Chewbacca by his side. They became known as the best smugglers in the galaxy. 

Han Solo was always on the run. He was very mischievous and clever, but by that he seemed to get his way. He was very smart in the brainy way and the fighting way. He was a very good fighter. He was strong, dedicated (not only to his job, but to his family as well), and determined. Even though he was always scheming, it was for all the right reasons. Solo was very trustworthy and helpful. You could count on him for almost anything. He may do what you ask in the riskiest ways possible, but if it gets the job done then it's A-OK!

Han Solo is originally played by Harrison Ford, but the Han Solo in my life is William Conrad Harris. William, or Bill for short, is constantly schemin' whether it be good or bad, he always has something mapped out for himself that day. He is clever with his words and with his comebacks. They may not be the nicest or most funny, but those smart remarks help him get his way. Bill is strong physically and mentally. Physically, meaning he has a strong heart. He has a strong and loving heart. Whatever he sets his heart do, he will accomplish no matter what because he is determined to make things perfect. Will is very trustworthy and is definitely someone you can talk to when need be. Anything you put in Bill's hands will be safe and anything you ask him to do will get done. He may risk his life doing it, but he works smarter not harder so there is nothing to worry about. And don't forget, he has his partner in crime with him at all hours so he isn't ridin' SOLO. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Boba Fett

The Mandalorians, also known as "Children of the Mandalore", were a nomadic group of clan-based people consisting of members from multiple species and genders, all bound by a common culture; battle, with war being a common source of honor and pride in their community. From these people came an unalterd clone of a fierce bounty hunter named Boba Fett. 

Boba Fett was a human Mandalorian warrior and bounty hunter from the planet Kamino. He was a reoccurring antagonist hired by Darth Vader, but had a hard time serving the dark side because of some natural instincts. He found himself saving Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, C3-PO, and R2D2, only of which he was sent to kill. As time passed, he learned quickly of what his purpose in life was; to be an equally villainous, but less conspicuous character as Darth Vader. He had very good fighting tactics. He was strong, quick, and clever. He was determined to finish his duty and to overcome any obstacles that were thrown his way. Boba was good at everything he was told to do and he did it with a lot of heart and never gave up.

Boba Fett is originally played by Jeremy Bulloch, Daniel Logan, or Mark Austin, but the Boba Fett in my life is Mr. Wood. Mr. Wood is in his own way a warrior and a bounty hunter, but his goal is to be this way for his students. He strives to fight the good fight only for the betterment of his English 12 Class. He may seem like he is the antagonist since he is a teacher and teachers give homework, but, like Boba, he finds himself serving for the good because of his natural instincts. Mr. Wood's tactics as a teacher are the same as Boba's as a bounty hunter. First, he is strong mentally because he makes sure that he translates all his possible knowledge in any way shape or form so we can learn and become the best. Second, he is quick not only when we play lightning, or field hockey, but he is quick to teach us only the material we NEED, not material that we won't use ever again. It isn't like he is teaching us the basics, but the most potent and essential material possible. Third, he is clever in the sense that he makes projects or gives us homework that may at the time seem tedious and irrelevant, but in the end it was from those lessons that we learned the most and benefitted from in the long run. Mr. Wood is determined to finish his duty as a teacher and to overcome any obstacles that are thrown his way. He is good at everything he does whether it be as a teacher or parent and he does it with all his heart because he will never give up.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mace Windu

The Korunnai were a Human race from the planet of Haruun Kai that were a nomadic "tribe" of uploaders. The Korunnai were dark skinned Humans and were born into clans or extended families (equivalent to having many aunts, uncles, first cousins, second cousins, etc.). The Korunnai were genetically Human in almost every respect, except that they were all Force-sensitive meaning that they were highly attuned to the flow of the Force. Force-sensitives could, with training, learn to sense and manipulate the Force. The Jedi Order would make use of this and would take Force-sensitive children and start training them to become a Jedi at a young age. The Korunnai also had a higher tolerance to poisons, due to living near the toxic cloudsea that covered the lowlands of the planet.

These people produced very good Jedi because of their abilities and traits. Mace Windu was a male Korun Human Jedi Master of legendary status who was the Master of the Order. Windu served as one of the last members of the Jedi High Council before the Great Jedi Purge. He was distinguishable across many battle fronts, he had great stamina, he was an incredibly fierce fighter and good at dueling, he was sneaky, clever, and at times, mischievous. His wisdom and power were considered legendary by many, as were the weight of his words. 

Mace Windu is originally played by Samuel L. Jackson in the Star Wars Movies, but the Mace Windu in my life is Alejandro Fuentes. Alejandro is very mischievous and clever and his own way. He always seems to be plotting some sort of scheme to either make a teacher laugh, frustrate them, or all in all, just confuse them. He may not seem like it, but Alejandro is a very fierce fighter. Even though his body isn't one of a boxer or wrestler, he seems to be able to effortlessly take out anyone he wants. He is sneaky about it and will probably laugh about it as he is dueling you, but he never backs down to a fight and he never gives up (even if he has the choice to use mace). Mace Windu carried much swagger and poise wherever he went. He requested a pimped purple lightsaber so he would stand out in combat. He even had the initials BMF engraved into the hilt of his lightsaber standing for "Bad Mother F*****." Not only was Windu good at fighting, but he made sure he also looked good while fighting. This is exactly like Alejandro. He always is making sure his hair or outfit is on fleek and he also lets you know if he is on fleek or not. Alejandro doesn't care what he says or how he says it, but how it comes off to many is either humorous, or just down right legendary. Like Windu, Alejandro is not afraid of anything and always claims to be BA in anything he does. Whether it be talking, walking, running, or even sitting, he has to look unforgettable. He is good with his words and doesn't stumble at creating a thorough conversation. Alejandro is a fierce fighter that is manipulative with his words, but as all of this is being done, he is looking classy.