Saturday, April 18, 2015


Tauntauns were a species of omnivorous reptomammals who were indigenous to the icy planet ofHoth. Tauntauns were commonly used as pack animals during the Rebel Alliance's stay at Hoth.Tauntauns were also used as patrol mounts when it was learned that the Rebel Alliance's own vehicles could not cope with the very cold weather.

They featured a mix of traditionally reptilian features, such as a lack of mammary glands and scaly skin. They were also warm-blooded, and had a layer of blubber under fur which ranged from gray to white and covered their bodies.

Tauntauns possessed numerous evolutionary adaptations to the bitter, cold environments of Hoth. Those adaptations included wide feet for running across icy surfaces, swiveling ears, thick blubber, chambered lungs, two pairs of nostrils, and a digestive system that excreted wastes as oils through skin pores, producing a distinctive odor. Their four nostrils served to warm inhaled air. Their larger pair were used to bring oxygen into the blood stream during physical exertion. When lying down to sleep, the larger pair sealed to keep snow out, and the second pair took over. A well-muscled tail extended a meter from their bodies to help maintain balance. They had clawed feet and hands to gain purchase on the ice. Their feet were also tridactyl, with splayed toes to act as natural snowshoes.

The most important feature of Tauntaun physiology was their unique blood mixture that was resistant to the tundra winds and kept their organs from freezing. Despite these adaptations, tauntauns sought shelter at night to avoid the extreme nighttime temperatures of Hoth. When shelter was unavailable, they used their evolved ability to hibernate during low nighttime temperatures, maintaining a lukewarm internal temperature. Some tauntaun breeds actually froze to death if awakened after sundown.

These creatures were very stubborn, but very friendly when domesticated. They grew to respect authority, but respected other Tauntauns only if they weren't willing to fight. Throughout the blizzards and freezing temperatures, a Tauntauns main goal was to get whomever was riding it safe and sound. Tauntauns were very caring in this sense. Although they were doing a lot of work, they never let down their rider because they knew that they, too were suffering in the frigid climate and working not only to protect themselves, but the Tauntaun race as well. These creautures were very silent, but caring. They were willing to go through extremes to get the job done, but in a very intelligent way since they did have to maneuver around the weather conditions.

Tauntauns are originally by portrayed by digital artists, but the Tauntaun in my life is Benito Magaña. Benito comes off as a really quite, yet friendly individual. He is a really good friend to have because he is serious when need be, stubborn in certain situations, and willing to fight in certain instances. Benito, like a Tauntaun, is very caring and always has your back. He is trustworthy and respects authority. Benito is very intelligent whether it be inside or outside of school. He always gives his very best, protects his peers, and never ever lets his homies down. 

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