Sunday, May 3, 2015

Padmé Amidala

Padmé Naberrie of Naboo, or more publicly known as Padmé Amidala, was Queen of Naboo for quite sometime. She was the democratically elected Queen of Naboo before representing the Chommel sector as a Senator in the Galactic Senate. As Queen of Naboo, Amidala fought bravely to liberate her people during the Trade Federation's invasion in 32 BBY thus becoming one of the most respected political figures in the galaxy. Later in life, she became the secret wife of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. 

As Senator, Amidala participated in many events of the Clone Wars, both political and military, while also becoming pregnant to her husband. Around the end of the war, she doubted the motives of the Galactic Republic. Appalled by the dissolution of the Republic and the creation of the Galactic Empire, she signed the Delegation of 2000 along with many other Senators. 

After Anakin slaughtered many Jedi, including younglings, Obi- Wan Kenobi came to tell Padmé about Anakin's transformation to the Sith Lord Darth Vader. She refused to believe him, and went to Mustafar to find her husband.. Unknown to her, Kenobi had hidden aboard her ship in order to find his former apprentice. When Kenobi revealed himself, the newly christened Sith Lord assumed she had betrayed him and he strangled his wife using the dark side, knocking her unconscious.

After Kenobi defeated Vader, and left him for dead, he took Padmé to a Medical facility in Polis Massa, where she gave birth to fraternal twins and named the boy Luke and the girl Leia. Unfortunately, her husbands fall to the dark side had broken her heart, causing her to lose the will to live, which, coupled with the strain of giving birth to her children. This resulted in her death. Before death took her, she spoke her final words to Kenobi, stating her strong belief that there was still good with Anakin. 

Amidala had great perseverance. She worked hard in everything she does and she fights for what is right. She applies herself in many different ways and makes the word known. She was caring, compassionate, trustworthy, and courageous. Padmé fought till the end, even when it was difficult. Padmé was also known for her fashion. She would always wear these intricate dresses and always seemed to primp them up just right with the right jewelry and the right headdress. Padmé always made a fashion statement wherever she went.  

Padmé Amidala is originally played by Natalie Portman, but the Padmé in my life is Isabel Gonzales. Isabel is a very hard worker. She always does more than expected and will not settle for less. She perseveres in all that she does, whether it be inside or outside of school. Isabel is caring, compassionate, trustworthy, and courageous. She also is a fashionista. She is constantly making a fashion statement and she knows how to dress it up with just the perfect amount of bling. Isabel, like Padmé, is a fighter. She fights for what is right and she won't stop until she comes out on top. Isabel is brave and won't back down. Even thought she is tough and a fighter, she is very well respected by her friends, family, and peers.

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