Thursday, May 14, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

 Play this before you read*

In Galaxy Far Far Away it was a senior high school student's last blog post. It was sad, but it was also exciting because it was time for the seniors to move on and go out into the real world and test their independence. They are adults now, and even though they think they are better off on their own and are able to survive by themselves, they can't. They will always need help. Whether it be help from their family, teachers or even friends, these people will always be by the graduates side and ready to tend to their needs. There is a quote that says "Friends come and go, but true friends are family and family is forever." This year the seniors have grown closer together more than ever. They are happy because they are leaving high school, but they are all sad because they feel like they are not going to see each other again. It seems like the end. 

On December 18, 2015, the best class reunion is taking place in theaters everywhere. After 10 years of waiting. J.J. Abrams has done it, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is coming out. All of the original characters from the Star Wars Films are getting together to keep their galactic legacy strong. Just like these legendary actors and actresses did, the seniors can too, they can stick with each other till the end. The Star Wars family and the Class of 2015 family has one thing in common: twins. On a serious note, just like Star Wars, it always seems like it is coming to an end, but it's not. There is always a return (of the Jedi). 

May the Force be with You...

1 comment:

  1. Cristiana we will be friends forever. (Who knows maybe family too ;) )
