Thursday, May 14, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

 Play this before you read*

In Galaxy Far Far Away it was a senior high school student's last blog post. It was sad, but it was also exciting because it was time for the seniors to move on and go out into the real world and test their independence. They are adults now, and even though they think they are better off on their own and are able to survive by themselves, they can't. They will always need help. Whether it be help from their family, teachers or even friends, these people will always be by the graduates side and ready to tend to their needs. There is a quote that says "Friends come and go, but true friends are family and family is forever." This year the seniors have grown closer together more than ever. They are happy because they are leaving high school, but they are all sad because they feel like they are not going to see each other again. It seems like the end. 

On December 18, 2015, the best class reunion is taking place in theaters everywhere. After 10 years of waiting. J.J. Abrams has done it, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is coming out. All of the original characters from the Star Wars Films are getting together to keep their galactic legacy strong. Just like these legendary actors and actresses did, the seniors can too, they can stick with each other till the end. The Star Wars family and the Class of 2015 family has one thing in common: twins. On a serious note, just like Star Wars, it always seems like it is coming to an end, but it's not. There is always a return (of the Jedi). 

May the Force be with You...

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Padmé Amidala

Padmé Naberrie of Naboo, or more publicly known as Padmé Amidala, was Queen of Naboo for quite sometime. She was the democratically elected Queen of Naboo before representing the Chommel sector as a Senator in the Galactic Senate. As Queen of Naboo, Amidala fought bravely to liberate her people during the Trade Federation's invasion in 32 BBY thus becoming one of the most respected political figures in the galaxy. Later in life, she became the secret wife of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. 

As Senator, Amidala participated in many events of the Clone Wars, both political and military, while also becoming pregnant to her husband. Around the end of the war, she doubted the motives of the Galactic Republic. Appalled by the dissolution of the Republic and the creation of the Galactic Empire, she signed the Delegation of 2000 along with many other Senators. 

After Anakin slaughtered many Jedi, including younglings, Obi- Wan Kenobi came to tell Padmé about Anakin's transformation to the Sith Lord Darth Vader. She refused to believe him, and went to Mustafar to find her husband.. Unknown to her, Kenobi had hidden aboard her ship in order to find his former apprentice. When Kenobi revealed himself, the newly christened Sith Lord assumed she had betrayed him and he strangled his wife using the dark side, knocking her unconscious.

After Kenobi defeated Vader, and left him for dead, he took Padmé to a Medical facility in Polis Massa, where she gave birth to fraternal twins and named the boy Luke and the girl Leia. Unfortunately, her husbands fall to the dark side had broken her heart, causing her to lose the will to live, which, coupled with the strain of giving birth to her children. This resulted in her death. Before death took her, she spoke her final words to Kenobi, stating her strong belief that there was still good with Anakin. 

Amidala had great perseverance. She worked hard in everything she does and she fights for what is right. She applies herself in many different ways and makes the word known. She was caring, compassionate, trustworthy, and courageous. Padmé fought till the end, even when it was difficult. Padmé was also known for her fashion. She would always wear these intricate dresses and always seemed to primp them up just right with the right jewelry and the right headdress. Padmé always made a fashion statement wherever she went.  

Padmé Amidala is originally played by Natalie Portman, but the Padmé in my life is Isabel Gonzales. Isabel is a very hard worker. She always does more than expected and will not settle for less. She perseveres in all that she does, whether it be inside or outside of school. Isabel is caring, compassionate, trustworthy, and courageous. She also is a fashionista. She is constantly making a fashion statement and she knows how to dress it up with just the perfect amount of bling. Isabel, like Padmé, is a fighter. She fights for what is right and she won't stop until she comes out on top. Isabel is brave and won't back down. Even thought she is tough and a fighter, she is very well respected by her friends, family, and peers.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Luke and Leia

Luke and Leia Skywalker were the children of Galactic Republic Senator Padmé Amidala and the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, a former hero of the Jedi Order who had recently fallen to the dark side of the Force and become a Sith Lord. The twins' mother had been choked by her husband on Mustafar after Skywalker believed Amidala to have betrayed him, causing Amidala to lose the will to live and die not long after giving birth to Luke and Leia. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda knew that the children, both having a natural affinity for the Force, needed protection from Palpatine and their father. Deciding it would be best if they were separated, the two Jedi Masters agreed to send the infant boy to live with his father's stepbrother, Owen Lars, and his wife, Beru, on Tatooine. Leia was sent to live under the protection of her newly-adopted parents, Bail and Breha Organa of Alderaan.

Luke Skywalker was the subject to many prophecies. This made his future extremely bright and the reliance of his mastery became  even more evident to society. As he grew older he fought in many of the most important battles of the Galactic Civil War, helping to found Rogue Squadron and fighting Imperial forces across the galaxy. Skywalker received Jedi training from Yoda, and learned from Vader that the Sith Lord was his father. One year later, he fought in the Battle of Endor, and succeeded in turning his father back to the light. Thanks to Skywalker, Palpatine was killed, and the Empire was dealt a crippling blow. One year later, the New Republic was formed.

Throughout the succeeding decades, Skywalker helped keep peace throughout the galaxy as the New Republic slowly defeated small remnants of the Empire. When Palpatine returned in the form of several clone bodies, Luke temporarily fell to the dark side and became the resurrected Emperor's apprentice. He was later redeemed with the help of his friends, and continued with his goal of reviving the Jedi Order.

Even though Luke came off very quiet and confused, was actually very intelligent. Things came naturally to him. He was a very quick learner and used what he learned to the best of his abilities. He knew he was capable of more than he performed so he constantly was working his hardest. From this came his rebellious side. He knew his limits, but excessively pushed them and would get into a lot of trouble with not only authority, but he would get himself into trouble or more so danger. He was willing and able, yet it put him in mere death situations.

Leia Organa was most famous for her strong leadership during the Galactic Civil War and other subsequent galactic conflicts, making her one of the galaxy's greatest heroes. She had a forceful personality and bright intellect, having accomplished much in her youth: she was a strong proponent for the Rebel Alliance, the youngest Senator ever of the Galactic Empire at eighteen standard years of age, and a member of the Royal Family of Alderaan. Years later, she was a key proponent in the creation of the New Republic, and was elected to the position of Chief of State, serving twice in that office. She soon became a Jedi Knight in the New Jedi Order due to her powerful Force heritage.

Leia was a very strong and intelligent woman. She was bright, strong, and clever. She did everything she could to keep the Jedi Order as strong as possible. She was a very good listener and did as she was told, but only to a certain extent. She was also a fighter so if she didn't exactly like what she was being told to do, she showed it. Leia was very sweet and very good with her words. She was very good at persuaded people not only with her words, but with her looks. Leia would get into many dangerous situations, but she always came out on top. She always pushed herself to do more and to perform better than before. She was courageous and she new exactly what she wanted and how she wanted it. She was a born leader.

The Galactic twins Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa were originally played by Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, but the Luke and Leia in my life are the Larrabee Twins, Andrew and Ryan. These twins both have many aspects of both Luke and Leia. They both stand up for what they believe and are both constant fighters whether it be for athletics or academics. Andrew and Ryan are clever young men in their own secret ways. They put themselves in dangerous situations, but they always push themselves to perform their best and end up on top. They constantly strive to be the best with not only the competition of their fellow peers, but with the competition between themselves. Even though they are very alike, they each has their strengths and weaknesses, but together their abilities are excessive. They do come off very quiet and confused like Luke, but like Leia they are very intelligent and bright.Together they are inseparable and unstoppable. #Twinning

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Tauntauns were a species of omnivorous reptomammals who were indigenous to the icy planet ofHoth. Tauntauns were commonly used as pack animals during the Rebel Alliance's stay at Hoth.Tauntauns were also used as patrol mounts when it was learned that the Rebel Alliance's own vehicles could not cope with the very cold weather.

They featured a mix of traditionally reptilian features, such as a lack of mammary glands and scaly skin. They were also warm-blooded, and had a layer of blubber under fur which ranged from gray to white and covered their bodies.

Tauntauns possessed numerous evolutionary adaptations to the bitter, cold environments of Hoth. Those adaptations included wide feet for running across icy surfaces, swiveling ears, thick blubber, chambered lungs, two pairs of nostrils, and a digestive system that excreted wastes as oils through skin pores, producing a distinctive odor. Their four nostrils served to warm inhaled air. Their larger pair were used to bring oxygen into the blood stream during physical exertion. When lying down to sleep, the larger pair sealed to keep snow out, and the second pair took over. A well-muscled tail extended a meter from their bodies to help maintain balance. They had clawed feet and hands to gain purchase on the ice. Their feet were also tridactyl, with splayed toes to act as natural snowshoes.

The most important feature of Tauntaun physiology was their unique blood mixture that was resistant to the tundra winds and kept their organs from freezing. Despite these adaptations, tauntauns sought shelter at night to avoid the extreme nighttime temperatures of Hoth. When shelter was unavailable, they used their evolved ability to hibernate during low nighttime temperatures, maintaining a lukewarm internal temperature. Some tauntaun breeds actually froze to death if awakened after sundown.

These creatures were very stubborn, but very friendly when domesticated. They grew to respect authority, but respected other Tauntauns only if they weren't willing to fight. Throughout the blizzards and freezing temperatures, a Tauntauns main goal was to get whomever was riding it safe and sound. Tauntauns were very caring in this sense. Although they were doing a lot of work, they never let down their rider because they knew that they, too were suffering in the frigid climate and working not only to protect themselves, but the Tauntaun race as well. These creautures were very silent, but caring. They were willing to go through extremes to get the job done, but in a very intelligent way since they did have to maneuver around the weather conditions.

Tauntauns are originally by portrayed by digital artists, but the Tauntaun in my life is Benito Magaña. Benito comes off as a really quite, yet friendly individual. He is a really good friend to have because he is serious when need be, stubborn in certain situations, and willing to fight in certain instances. Benito, like a Tauntaun, is very caring and always has your back. He is trustworthy and respects authority. Benito is very intelligent whether it be inside or outside of school. He always gives his very best, protects his peers, and never ever lets his homies down. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Jabba the Hutt

Jabba Desilijic Tiure, better known as Jabba the Hutt and often called the "Bloated One," though never to his face, was one of the most notorious Hutt crime lords in the galaxy, who governed a large criminal empire located in the Outer Rim Territories from his desert palace on Tatooine. At the height of his power, Jabba was one of the most powerful crime lords in the galaxy

Jabba had started as a small crime lord, but quickly spread his influence into a variety of illegal activities, including spice-smuggling, gunrunning, slavery, and sometimes outright piracy. Known for his cruelty and carnal fancies, Jabba the Hutt was powerful enough to command respect and payment from the Galaxy's ruling government, so much so that during the Clone Wars the Republic went to great lengths to avoid Jabba's displeasure.

He is the crime lord and gangster of Tatooine, who employs a retinue of criminals, bounty hunters, smugglers, assassins and bodyguards to operate his criminal empire. 

Jabba the Hutt is originally portrayed by Declan Mulholland, but the Jabba the Hutt in my life is David. David is a straight up G. He is very clever and manipulative in many ways, shapes, and forms. I am not insisting that David is a crime lord or anything, but the stories that David tells about from back home makes him sound like a straight up G! He seems very respected, well mannered, but pressuring when need be. David governs what he wants when he wants! He runs the streets of China!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Han Solo

Corellia was the capital planet of the Corellian System and also the birthplace of a well known smuggler and New Republic General. He achieved Galactic Fame as a member of the rebel alliance and then later the New Republic. 

Han Solo was orphaned at an early age and taken by the pirate Garris Shrike to serve on his crew. He was treated cruelly, and served Shrike for many years before escaping while he was in his teens. Han Solo then became a smuggler. He later entered the Imperial Academy at Carida. Soon after he was kicked out because he stopped an Imperial Officer from beating a Wookiee named Chewbacca. In gratitude the Wookiee swore a life debt to Solo, protecting him with his life. The two later became smugglers together, partners in crime. He then piloted the Millennium Falcon with Chewbacca by his side. They became known as the best smugglers in the galaxy. 

Han Solo was always on the run. He was very mischievous and clever, but by that he seemed to get his way. He was very smart in the brainy way and the fighting way. He was a very good fighter. He was strong, dedicated (not only to his job, but to his family as well), and determined. Even though he was always scheming, it was for all the right reasons. Solo was very trustworthy and helpful. You could count on him for almost anything. He may do what you ask in the riskiest ways possible, but if it gets the job done then it's A-OK!

Han Solo is originally played by Harrison Ford, but the Han Solo in my life is William Conrad Harris. William, or Bill for short, is constantly schemin' whether it be good or bad, he always has something mapped out for himself that day. He is clever with his words and with his comebacks. They may not be the nicest or most funny, but those smart remarks help him get his way. Bill is strong physically and mentally. Physically, meaning he has a strong heart. He has a strong and loving heart. Whatever he sets his heart do, he will accomplish no matter what because he is determined to make things perfect. Will is very trustworthy and is definitely someone you can talk to when need be. Anything you put in Bill's hands will be safe and anything you ask him to do will get done. He may risk his life doing it, but he works smarter not harder so there is nothing to worry about. And don't forget, he has his partner in crime with him at all hours so he isn't ridin' SOLO. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Boba Fett

The Mandalorians, also known as "Children of the Mandalore", were a nomadic group of clan-based people consisting of members from multiple species and genders, all bound by a common culture; battle, with war being a common source of honor and pride in their community. From these people came an unalterd clone of a fierce bounty hunter named Boba Fett. 

Boba Fett was a human Mandalorian warrior and bounty hunter from the planet Kamino. He was a reoccurring antagonist hired by Darth Vader, but had a hard time serving the dark side because of some natural instincts. He found himself saving Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, C3-PO, and R2D2, only of which he was sent to kill. As time passed, he learned quickly of what his purpose in life was; to be an equally villainous, but less conspicuous character as Darth Vader. He had very good fighting tactics. He was strong, quick, and clever. He was determined to finish his duty and to overcome any obstacles that were thrown his way. Boba was good at everything he was told to do and he did it with a lot of heart and never gave up.

Boba Fett is originally played by Jeremy Bulloch, Daniel Logan, or Mark Austin, but the Boba Fett in my life is Mr. Wood. Mr. Wood is in his own way a warrior and a bounty hunter, but his goal is to be this way for his students. He strives to fight the good fight only for the betterment of his English 12 Class. He may seem like he is the antagonist since he is a teacher and teachers give homework, but, like Boba, he finds himself serving for the good because of his natural instincts. Mr. Wood's tactics as a teacher are the same as Boba's as a bounty hunter. First, he is strong mentally because he makes sure that he translates all his possible knowledge in any way shape or form so we can learn and become the best. Second, he is quick not only when we play lightning, or field hockey, but he is quick to teach us only the material we NEED, not material that we won't use ever again. It isn't like he is teaching us the basics, but the most potent and essential material possible. Third, he is clever in the sense that he makes projects or gives us homework that may at the time seem tedious and irrelevant, but in the end it was from those lessons that we learned the most and benefitted from in the long run. Mr. Wood is determined to finish his duty as a teacher and to overcome any obstacles that are thrown his way. He is good at everything he does whether it be as a teacher or parent and he does it with all his heart because he will never give up.