Chewbacca is originally played by Peter Mayhew in the Star Wars Movies, but the Chewbacca in my life is Madysen White. Mady is a very intelligent human being who will tend to whatever you need on the spot and she is also always there for you in your good times and your bad times. She is very loyal as a girlfriend (to Mr. Donlevy) and as a friend, but she isn't only loyal to her close friends, but to anyone she meets. Mady has many strengths, being physically strong is one, but a big one is her intelligence. Mady is very smart, she doesn't only have a strength in one subject, but in all of them. Mady is not necessarily a fan of hugs, but she can get very cute and emotional. She is cute and cuddly, but will never in a million years want to be seen as that. Mady wants to come off as tough and strong. She is a good companion to have and is a friend that will be with you forever.