Saturday, February 28, 2015


Belonging to the Wookiee species, who are tall, hairy, and native to the planet of Kashyyyk, was one legendary Wookiee named Chewbacca. He is fiercely loyal and a co-pilot of Han-Solo's ship, the Millenium Falcon. Chewbacca carried with him the name of an ancient Wookiee hero, the great Bacca, the first of the great chieftains of Kashyyyk, and the creator of a sword that denoted leadership among the Wookiees. This name placed Chewbacca in a noble lineage, which was further supported by his role in the Battle of Kashyyyk during the Clone Wars and during the Galactic Civil War. 

Chewbacca very wise and sophisticated and was known of great strength and loyalty. He is very technologically savvy and was the brightest Academy graduate. He was also a skilled Mechanic. He was able to understand the language Basic, but he could not speak it due to his species's vocal structure. He spoke Shyrilwook, which was the main Wookiee language, which is largely of growls and grunts. Chewbacca is very faithful and trustworhty. He is a good companion and is serious during intense times and comical when he needs to break the ice, but since he speaks in growls, his humor is out of actions. He is loving and courageous Wookiee. He can be cute and cuddly, but he likes to be seen and/or noticed as a tough and scary guy. He is very smart and helpful in anyway possible. He is one who would jump in front of a bullet for anyone.  

Chewbacca is originally played by Peter Mayhew in the Star Wars Movies, but the Chewbacca in my life is Madysen White. Mady is a very intelligent human being who will tend to whatever you need on the spot and she is also always there for you in your good times and your bad times. She is very loyal as a girlfriend (to Mr. Donlevy) and as a friend, but she isn't only loyal to her close friends, but to anyone she meets. Mady has many strengths, being physically strong is one, but a big one is her intelligence. Mady is very smart, she doesn't only have a strength in one subject, but in all of them. Mady is not necessarily a fan of hugs, but she can get very cute and emotional. She is cute and cuddly, but will never in a million years want to be seen as that. Mady wants to come off as tough and strong. She is a good companion to have and is a friend that will be with you forever. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Jar Jar Binks

The Gungans of Naboo, also known and Goongas, have humanoid bodies, but their heads are elongated with large, dangling fin-like ears. They live in underwater cities on the planet of Naboo. From the planet of Naboo was the first Gungan to represent his people in the Galactic Senate, first serving as a Junior Representative and then later serving as a full time Senator himself. His name was Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks was a naive and clumsy outcast who struggled to prove his worth throughout his life. He left his homeland swamps of Naboo and moved to enter in to Coruscant politics where he became a representative. Despite his awkward past, he was always at service to anyone who needed it. He served at the side of Padmé Amidala until her death and was always very loyal and trustworthy. Like most Gungans, Binks was lanky and spoke Gungan Basic, also called Gunganese, which was the languange most spoken by the Gungans of Naboo. Occaisonally, a word from Old Gungan would appear in dialogue, but Humans were usually able to understand it, and similarily, Gungans were usually able to understand Humans speaking Gunganese.

Besides the fact that Binks was very clumsy when it came to anything and at times hard to understand, he was very good at keeping up in a good run/swim/fight and very good at negotiating. With negotiating comes great intelligence and even though he may not look it or seem like it, Binks is very driven with intelligence and education. He was born a true leader and a very loyal companion as well. He is very trustworthy and serious, but at the same time he knows when to be serious and when to be HILARIOUS. Binks, in his own way, can be a comedian. Most of the jokes may be only understood by a few, but everyone is surely courteous and generous to his humor. 

Jar Jar Binks is a computer generated character with the voice of actor Ahmed Best in the Star Wars Movies, but the Jar Jar Binks in my life is Ali Koehler. Like Binks, Ali is very very (did I say very?) VERY clumsy. She is good at acting like it was actually something concrete that she tripped or stumbled over, when actually it was nothing. She not only very clumsy when it comes to athleticism, but also when it comes to speaking. In a sense she seems to stumble across her words and even sentences. Don't get me wrong, she is very intelligent, but in her own way. Ali is very dedicated to not only her education, but also to her peers. She, too, was born a true leader and is also a very loyal friend. Ali is someone that you can talk to about anything and everything. She is very trustworthy and very good and understanding your situation. In this way she is very serious, yet her transition between seriousness and humor is miraculous. She thinks she is a comedian in her own way and says something she believes is funny, but as friends we know what is coming when she opens her mouth and we give her a kind gestures of smiles or even giggles. Even though we want to shove a bink(y) in Ali's mouth when she tries to crack a joke, we let it fly by because we know she can always put a smile on our face and I don't know about you, but I wouldn't miss that for the world.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Obi-Wan Kenobi

The planet Tatooine is home to many Jedi, droids and other important characters in Star Wars Universe. Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi, is a character introduced as a hermit (a person who lives in seclusion from society) living on the planet Tatooine. He is a mentor to Luke Skywalker, initiating him into his Jedi ways, and also a mentor and friend to Luke's father, Anakin Skywalker. Obi- Wan Kenobi trains them both in the ways of the Force, preparing them for the Galactic Republic. Obi-Wan was always ahead of his class and was a master trainer. He was feared when it came to duels because he was so intense. He was very competitive not only for himself, but for any of his apprentices. He was always there for anyone whether it be a friend or an enemy, he always had their back and always made sure they were safe from the Sith.

Obi- Wan Kenobi is originally played by Ewan McGregor in the Star Wars Movies, but the Obi-Wan in my life is Isaac Rifleman. Isaac is one of those guys that you can always trust to be there for you whether you are on his good side or his "dark side." He is always giving out vital information and essential advice. Yes, he is competitive, but it is in a good way. He always make sure that you are not giving half of what you can really give, it is either 100% or nothing. He always has your back no matter the situation. Although Isaac may come off as a hermit, he is actually very outgoing and compassionate. He is easy to get along with and talk to. Isaac is a mentor to me because he always is helping me out in some way. Although he hasn't taught me all I need to know to become a Jedi, he has taught me enough to fit in this big world and really find my place in society and find my place in my heart.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


There is no other movie series better than Star Wars. For me, watching Star Wars or playing with Star Wars figurines was my way to escape reality and bring the inner toddler out of me. Star Wars always seems to hit that soft spot in my heart. Yes, I am a girl, and yes it may seem weird that I watched Star Wars and played with Star Wars toys instead of playing with Polly Pockets or Barbies or watch Strawberry Shortcake, but it is something that always puts me at ease. I noticed as I grew up that the people that made the biggest impact in my life, the people that were always there for me and always told me that things would turn out right, were the ones that made me feel most at ease and helped me in some way escape reality. I'm sure you know too that it can be hard to escape reality. I started thinking to myself that the characters in Star Wars that always seemed to (in a way) be there for me because they helped me escape reality and be more at ease, are actually really still here with me today (except of course they aren't carrying around life sabers or wearing insane cloaks or anything galactic related).

A character from Star Wars who seems to be seen throughout the hallways of my school, is very close to me, very fun, and reliable. He is C3-PO. C3-PO, sometimes spelled See-Threepio, is a very gifted droid.  He was destroyed and discarded on the planet Tatooine and was rebuilt; his salvaged nature gave him special qualities that distinguished him from similar droid models. He is constantly involved in pivotal moments, but at the same time he is very dedicated to his friends as well as any master he serves. This character reminds me of one of my really good friends, Justin Ly. Justin Ly is very much like C3-PO. He is kind, trustworthy, outgoing, funny, and serious when need be. He is very dedicated to the student body and also very dedicated to our relationship. You know Justin apart from anyone else because he is so unique, just like C3-PO. Justin always seems to glow and give off radiant beams of happiness and laughter. When Justin is in your life you seem more at ease and more at home, he easily helps you escape reality and free fall into the unknown. Because of Justin I have found peace and reassurance in my life. C3-PO isn't only found on the screen or on the shelves of toy selling stores, he is found in the person that makes you feel like you, whether you be happy or sad, are the only person in the world and everything is for you. He is the one who fills your heart with goodness and releases your body of danger.