Saturday, February 28, 2015


Belonging to the Wookiee species, who are tall, hairy, and native to the planet of Kashyyyk, was one legendary Wookiee named Chewbacca. He is fiercely loyal and a co-pilot of Han-Solo's ship, the Millenium Falcon. Chewbacca carried with him the name of an ancient Wookiee hero, the great Bacca, the first of the great chieftains of Kashyyyk, and the creator of a sword that denoted leadership among the Wookiees. This name placed Chewbacca in a noble lineage, which was further supported by his role in the Battle of Kashyyyk during the Clone Wars and during the Galactic Civil War. 

Chewbacca very wise and sophisticated and was known of great strength and loyalty. He is very technologically savvy and was the brightest Academy graduate. He was also a skilled Mechanic. He was able to understand the language Basic, but he could not speak it due to his species's vocal structure. He spoke Shyrilwook, which was the main Wookiee language, which is largely of growls and grunts. Chewbacca is very faithful and trustworhty. He is a good companion and is serious during intense times and comical when he needs to break the ice, but since he speaks in growls, his humor is out of actions. He is loving and courageous Wookiee. He can be cute and cuddly, but he likes to be seen and/or noticed as a tough and scary guy. He is very smart and helpful in anyway possible. He is one who would jump in front of a bullet for anyone.  

Chewbacca is originally played by Peter Mayhew in the Star Wars Movies, but the Chewbacca in my life is Madysen White. Mady is a very intelligent human being who will tend to whatever you need on the spot and she is also always there for you in your good times and your bad times. She is very loyal as a girlfriend (to Mr. Donlevy) and as a friend, but she isn't only loyal to her close friends, but to anyone she meets. Mady has many strengths, being physically strong is one, but a big one is her intelligence. Mady is very smart, she doesn't only have a strength in one subject, but in all of them. Mady is not necessarily a fan of hugs, but she can get very cute and emotional. She is cute and cuddly, but will never in a million years want to be seen as that. Mady wants to come off as tough and strong. She is a good companion to have and is a friend that will be with you forever. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Crusty!! I love you so much :) Come home. I already miss you!
