Besides the fact that Binks was very clumsy when it came to anything and at times hard to understand, he was very good at keeping up in a good run/swim/fight and very good at negotiating. With negotiating comes great intelligence and even though he may not look it or seem like it, Binks is very driven with intelligence and education. He was born a true leader and a very loyal companion as well. He is very trustworthy and serious, but at the same time he knows when to be serious and when to be HILARIOUS. Binks, in his own way, can be a comedian. Most of the jokes may be only understood by a few, but everyone is surely courteous and generous to his humor.
Jar Jar Binks is a computer generated character with the voice of actor Ahmed Best in the Star Wars Movies, but the Jar Jar Binks in my life is Ali Koehler. Like Binks, Ali is very very (did I say very?) VERY clumsy. She is good at acting like it was actually something concrete that she tripped or stumbled over, when actually it was nothing. She not only very clumsy when it comes to athleticism, but also when it comes to speaking. In a sense she seems to stumble across her words and even sentences. Don't get me wrong, she is very intelligent, but in her own way. Ali is very dedicated to not only her education, but also to her peers. She, too, was born a true leader and is also a very loyal friend. Ali is someone that you can talk to about anything and everything. She is very trustworthy and very good and understanding your situation. In this way she is very serious, yet her transition between seriousness and humor is miraculous. She thinks she is a comedian in her own way and says something she believes is funny, but as friends we know what is coming when she opens her mouth and we give her a kind gestures of smiles or even giggles. Even though we want to shove a bink(y) in Ali's mouth when she tries to crack a joke, we let it fly by because we know she can always put a smile on our face and I don't know about you, but I wouldn't miss that for the world.
Awwwww Cristi I am touched by this! You know I am always HILARIOUS and so are my jokes! I am honored to be Jar Jar Binks.